Make Over Your Motivation

I loved today’s post from Fitness magazine, a 30-day plan to make over your motivation! The article features four weekly plans to help you cruise toward your fitness and diet goals.

The tips that especially resonated with me include:

Write down  your goals. I do this every week on the blog, and it helps cement them in my mind and gives me a group of people to whom I’m accountable.

Get fitter with Twitter. I follow a bunch of like-minded people on Twitter, and they provide an incredible amount of support and encouragement.

Tech yourself out. My iPhone is one of my best healthy living tools! I record my meals on it, use it to motivate me and use it to research menus, recipes and exercises.

Believe in yourself. In today’s society, it’s almost easier to be unhealthy. There are plenty of people waiting for you to fail or to console you with a milkshake. Don’t let them get the best of you. Keeping your head right is one of the most important things you can do!

Do any of the steps ring true to you? Is there one on the list that you want to try? Read the article and post a comment with your thoughts. We’re all in this together!


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